Our Insurer Relationships and Broker Compensation

As your independent insurance broker, we purchase insurance products and services from Canada’s leading insurance companies on your behalf.

As broker, our role is to provide you with the best insurance value combining coverage, service, and price.

We also provide personalized, quality service, including professional insurance advice, ongoing policy maintenance, and claims support. When any insurance coverage issues arise, we are your advocate, using our professional experience to best represent your business’s interests. Our independence enables us to provide these services in an unbiased way, with your best interests in mind.

Brokerage compensation is part of your insurance premium. For your benefit, we’re including a list of the more prominent insurers we represent and the range of compensation each insurer provides as a percentage of overall premium, paid annually for new business and renewals. Should there be any changes in the commission schedule we receive from your insurer or another material change that affects compensation arrangements, we will notify you.

We maintain long-standing relationships with quality insurers to ensure the best match for a client’s business type and needs. The insurance companies, as indicated on the list, recognize our efforts through a Contingent Profit Commission contract. Payment generally depends on a combination of growth, loss ratio, volume, retention and provided services on behalf of the insurer. It is based upon our entire portfolio with that insurer, not on individual policies. Contingent Profit Commission is not guaranteed. For detailed information on Contingent Commission, please go to the individual insurer’s website.

Our disclosure commitments are made in the best interest of consumers. We encourage you to also consult the commitments made by the insurance industry and individual companies by consulting their websites or other available information.

For more information, these links may be helpful:

www.ribo.com/RIBO_Conduct_Sheet_040622-fact_sheet (Ontario)

Broker Compensation Table

Personal Insurance – Automobile Commissions

Name of Insurer1 Range of Standard Commissions2 CPC3 Website
Aviva Insurance Company 12.5% Yes avivacanada.com
CAA Insurance 12.5% Yes caainsurancecompany.com
Chubb Insurance 10.0% Yes chubb.com
Definity Insurance Company 10% – 12.5% Yes economical.com
Echelon General Insurance Company 12.5% Yes echeloninsurance.ca
Elite 12.5% Yes avivacanada.com
Gore Mutual 12.5% Yes goremutual.ca
Hagerty 12.5% Yes hagerty.ca
Halwell Dumfries Mutual 12.5% Yes hdmutual.com
Intact Insurance 10% – 20% Yes intact.ca
Jevco Insurance Company 12.5% – 15% Yes jevco.ca
Nordic Insurance Company4 7.5% – 11% No facilityassociation.com
Northbridge Insurance 10% – 12.5% Yes nbins.com
Novex Insurance 10% – 12.5% Yes intact.ca
Travelers 12.5% Yes travelerscanada.ca
Unica Insurance Inc. 12.5% Yes unicainsurance.com
Wawanesa 12.5% Yes wawanesa.com


Personal Insurance – Residential and Other Commissions

Name of Insurer1 Range of Standard Commissions2 CPC3 Website
Apollo Insurance 20% No apollocover.com
April Canada 20% No april.ca
Aviva Insurance Company 20% Yes avivacanada.com
Burns & Wilcox 12.5% No burnsandwilcox.ca
CAA Insurance 20% Yes caainsurancecompany.com
Chubb Insurance 15% – 20% Yes chubb.com
Definity Insurance Company 17.5% – 20% Yes economical.com
Elite 20% Yes avivacanada.com
Forward Insurance Management 15% No forwardinsurance.ca
Gore Mutual Insurance 20% Yes goremutual.ca
Halwell Dumfries Mutual 20% Yes hdmutual.com
Intact Insurance 15% – 20% Yes intact.ca
Northbridge Insurance 20% Yes nbins.com
Novex Insurance 15% – 20% Yes intact.ca
Pacific Marine Underwriting 15% No pacificmarine.ca
Premier Marine 15% No premiergroup.ca
South Western Group 10% – 12.5% No swgins.com
Totten Group 12.5% – 15% No tottengroup.com
Travelers 20% Yes travelerscanada.ca
Unica Insurance Company 20% Yes unicainsurance.com
Wawanesa 20% Yes wawanesa.com


  1. This list only includes the names of those insurers with whom we are contracted to write the line of business shown. We have some additional companies with whom we write a limited amount of business. We will be pleased to provide you with more details if you wish.
  2. In limited cases, we provided additional services such as underwriting or policy issuance directly on behalf of the insurer. In return we may receive compensation from the insurer over and above the standard commission rate.
  3. CPC: Contingent Profit Commission
  4. With business written through our Facility carrier, Nordic Insurance Company, the commission is capped at $370 per vehicle


Commercial Insurance – Property, Casualty, and Auto Commissions

Name of Insurer1 Range of Standard Commissions2 CPC3 Website
AIG Insurance Company of Canada 7.5% – 20% No aig.com
Allianz Global 10% – 20% No allianz.com
Allied World Specialty Insurance Company 10% – 20% No alliedworldinsurance.com
Aviva Insurance Canada 7.5% – 25% Yes avivacanada.com
AXA XL Speciality Insurance Company 10% – 20% No axaxl.com
Axis Reinsurance Company 10% – 20% No axiscapital.com
Beazley Canada Limited 10% – 15% No beazley.com
Berkley Canada 10% – 20% Yes berkleycanada.com
Berkshire Hathaway Speciality Insurance 10% – 20% No berkshirehathaway.com
Chubb Insurance Company of Canada 10% – 20% Yes chubb.com
CNA 12.5% – 27.5% Yes cnacanada.ca
Definity Insurance Company 7.5% – 25% Yes economical.com
Ecclesiastical Insurance 10% – 20% No ecclesiastical.ca
Echelon General Insurance 10% – 20% Yes echeloninsurance.ca
Edge Mutual Insurance Company 10% – 20% Yes edgemutual.com
Everest Insurance Company of Canada 10% – 20% Yes everestglobal.com
Gore Mutual Insurance Company 7.5% – 20% Yes goremutual.ca
Great American Insurance 10% – 20% Yes greatamericaninsurancegroup.com
HD Mutual Insurance Company 10% – 20% Yes dumfriesmutual.com
HDI Global SE Canada 10% – 20% No hdi.global
HSB BI&I 10% – 20% Yes munichre.com/hsbcanada
Intact Insurance Company 5% – 25% Yes intact.ca
Liberty International 10% – 20% Yes libertymutualcanada.com
Markel Canada Limited 7.5% – 20% No markelinternational.ca
Northbridge Insurance 7.5% – 20% Yes nbins.com
Old Republic Insurance Company of Canada 7.5% – 10% No oldrepublic.com
QBE Insurance 7.5% – 20% No qbe.com
Sovereign General Insurance 10% – 27.5% Yes sovereigninsurance.ca
Starr Insurance and Reinsurance Limited 10% – 20% No starrcompanies.com
Swiss Re Corporate Solutions 10% – 20% No corporatesolutions.swissre.com
The Nordic Insurance Company of Canada 5% – 15% No facilityassociation.com
Travelers Insurance Company of Canada 10% – 25% Yes travelerscanada.ca
Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company 10% – 20% Yes trisura.com
Unica Insurance Inc. 7.5% – 20% Yes unicainsurance.com
Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company 7.5% – 20% Yes wawanesa.com
Wynward Insurance Group 10% – 20% Yes www.wynward.com
Zurich Insurance Company 10% – 25% Yes zurichcanada.com


Commercial Insurance – Surety Commissions

Name of Insurer1 Range of Standard Commissions2 CPC3 Website
Aviva Canada 15% – 27.5% No avivacanada.com
CNA 15% – 30% No cnacanada.ca
Definity Insurance Company 15% – 25% No economical.com
Intact Insurance 15% – 30% No intact.ca
Sovereign Insurance Company 15% – 30% No sovereigninsurance.ca
Travelers Canada 15% – 27.5% No travelerscanada.ca
Trisura 15% – 30% No trisura.com
Western Surety 15% – 27.5% No westernsurety.ca
Zurich 15% – 25% No zurichcanada.com


  1. The companies listed include insurance companies, underwriting agencies and wholesale brokers that provide various forms of commercial insurance (e.g., property, liability, etc.) for various business segments (e.g., manufacturing, contracting, etc.). Not all companies provide coverage in all areas. We have additional companies not listed with whom we write a limited amount of business. We will be pleased to provide you with more details if you wish.
  2. In a limited cases, we provided additional services, such as underwriting or policy issuance, directly on behalf of the insurer. In return, we may receive compensation from the insurer over and above the standard commission rate.
  3. CPC: Contingent Profit Commission

Please contact us for more information about your consumer rights and responsibilities.